How to Write a Course Description That Sells

By Jackie Harman.  Last Updated on October 11, 2024

You’ve planned, researched, recorded, and edited your course. But your work isn’t done yet. Before you can sell your course, you need to write a compelling course description that will convince your target learners to click the “sign up” button.

In this guide, we share 9 steps to write an effective course description so you can attract the right audience to your course and make more sales.

But first, the basics.

What is a Course Description?

A course description is an overview of your course that tells prospective learners what your course is about.

It serves as a transparent communication tool, providing a clear understanding of the course content, objectives, and structure, as well as the target audience, and any other relevant information, such as pricing information, and instructor bio.

The description can be short-form, mid-length, or long-form depending on which platform you’re using.

For example, when uploading your course to an online course platform like Thinkific or LearnWorlds, you may be required to limit your description to a certain number of characters. However, when crafting a course description for your website landing page, you can include more information.

This description from a gardening course on Udemy is quite long:

The Beginner's guide to vegetable gardening text with a pop up that says buy now

A compelling course description provides the key details your audience requires to make a well-informed enrollment decision.

Your information may include:

  • A course overview or summary 
  • The target audience
  • Course learning objectives
  • Prerequisites for taking the course
  • The course curriculum
  • Teaching and assessment methods
  • Pricing details
  • Instructor information
  • Unique features

The length of your course description will determine which aspects you choose to include from the list outlined above.

Just remember, regardless of the length, the goal remains the same – to pique interest, convey value, and persuade potential students that your course is the solution they need.

Why Do You Need an Excellent Course Description?

A well-written course description is vital for several reasons. Most importantly, it is the primary factor influencing whether or not a learner purchases your course.

Furthermore, it provides the most important details about your e-learning product, making it a crucial piece of information for potential students to make an informed decision.

The Beginner's Guide to Vegetable Gardening page with a video and course content

In addition to attracting and informing your learners about your course, a compelling course description also helps you achieve the following:

  • Build Credibility: A professional course description enhances the credibility of your course and platform. Detailed information builds trust, making learners more likely to trust, and therefore invest in, your offering.
  • Offer Transparency: The clarity of course descriptions helps set accurate expectations, ensuring learners enroll in a course that aligns with their needs and goals.
  • Set Yourself Apart: In a competitive e-learning market, a compelling course description can help a course stand out by emphasizing unique features, benefits, or teaching methods that can attract learners seeking specific qualities in a course.
  • Improve Search Visibility: Detailed, well-written course descriptions can enhance a course’s search engine optimization (SEO). Incorporating relevant keywords and providing comprehensive information improves the chances of it being discovered in search engines by users seeking specific topics online.

A course description can also aid policy communication and compliance by including key information like enrollment and refund policies. This transparency helps establish a trustworthy relationship with learners as customers.

The bottom line is that an effective course description is a powerful marketing tool for online instructors. It communicates key details, builds trust, and contributes to the success and reputation of an eLearning business by supporting customer communication and decision-making.

With that said, here are some tips for writing a compelling course description that helps sell your online course.

9 Steps to Writing a Captivating Course Description That Sells

1. Start with a Powerful Headline

Your headline or course title is the first thing people will see, so make it attention-grabbing and compelling.

Use persuasive language that highlights the key benefits or outcomes of your course.

You must also determine the appropriate tone for your course – whether it’s academic and research-oriented, or casual and hobby-focused.   

Below are some creative course title templates to consider:

  • [Skill/Topic] for [Target Audience]: E.g. Digital Marketing for Small Business Owners
  • Mastering the Art of [Skill/Topic]: E.g. Mastering the Art of Public Speaking
  • Unlock the Secrets of [Skill/Topic]: E.g. Unlock the Secrets of Stock Market Investing
  • [Skill/Topic] Immersion – A Comprehensive Guide: E.g. Data Analytics Immersion: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Elevate Your [Skill/Topic] Game: E.g. Elevate Your Photography Game
  • The [Skill/Topic] Playbook: E.g. The Forex Scalping Playbook
  • Become a [Skill/Topic] Superstar: E.g. Become a Coding Superstar

Of course, you can stick with the simpler formats, such as “How to [Action/Outcome], or [Skill/Topic] Fundamentals.

The key is to make the title catchy, and benefit-driven, and communicate clearly what the course is about. The templates above can help you create titles that grab attention and showcase the value for potential students.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

To write a good course description that resonates with your target audience, you must adapt the right style and tone to ensure that the description is learner-centric.

To achieve this, you must first define who your course is for.

Understanding your target audience is fundamental to crafting effective course descriptions and directly impacts your relevance, tone, and language, as well as how you highlight benefits, address concerns, and position your product. 

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Audience Research to learn more.

Next, you must address their specific pain points, challenges, or goals.

This helps potential students see the relevance and value for them. Dive deep into their demographics, needs, and interests so you can tailor your content to speak directly to their hopes and desires.

3. Describe the Transformation

A course description is more than just information; it’s a promise of transformation. You must paint a vivid picture of the skills they’ll learn, the knowledge they’ll gain, or the results they can expect after completing your course.

Here are some tips to help you describe the transformation learners will achieve:

  • Keep It Simple And Clear: Use straightforward language that is universally understood. Avoid the use of technical jargon wherever possible as this may alienate potential learners. You want every reader to understand the core message regardless of their background.
  • Avoid Generic Statements: Keeping it simple doesn’t mean using generic statements or cliches that could describe any other course in your niche. Rather, focus on distinctive features and benefits that set your online course apart.
  • Use Active Voice: This writing technique injects energy into your course description and helps foster engagement. It makes your words come alive with action and excitement, making it easier for you to compel readers to purchase your course.

If this last tip is confusing, take a look at these two examples to see what a huge difference active voice makes in your course description:

Passive Voice Example:

This photography course will enable students to master camera settings, lighting techniques, and creative composition. By enrolling, students will be able to elevate their visual storytelling abilities.

Active Voice Example:

Unlock your photography potential in this comprehensive course. Master camera settings, lighting techniques, and creative composition to elevate your visual storytelling. Enroll now!

4. Highlight the Key Learning Outcomes

To write a course description that converts, you must list the main topics, modules, or skills covered in your course. This sets clear expectations and demonstrates the value of your online course.

At a glance, learners will know what content is in your course, and assess whether it will help them achieve their specific goals.

When crafting the core learning objectives, don’t forget about formatting.

A well-organized description will capture more readers and maintain their interest for longer so make sure to use headings, spacing, and concise bullet points in your course description to make the content easy to scan.

5. Establish Your Credibility

Courses that transparently address purpose, content, and learning approaches are well-received.

Be sure to briefly mention your expertise, qualifications, or experience that make you an authority on the subject matter. This builds trust in your ability to deliver quality content.

6. Use Persuasive Language

Crafting persuasive course descriptions is an art that can significantly impact enrollment.

Incorporate persuasive copy techniques like social proof (success stories, stats, etc.), scarcity (limited-time offers), and benefit-driven language to create a sense of urgency and desirability.

If you already have students, you can use some of their testimonials here, as shown in the example below:

A featured review about the Gardening class from Zackary C. with 5 stars

Leverage persuasive techniques like storytelling to move beyond listing features and weave a narrative around the benefits students will gain.

Storytelling also appeals to their emotions and aspirations, helping them envision the positive impact your course will have on their lives.

Important Note: Don’t misrepresent the course, and don’t overpromise.

Maintain honesty and accuracy in your course description and avoid misleading claims or unrealistic promises. Your course description must align with the actual course content and learning outcomes to set appropriate expectations and foster learner satisfaction.

7. Explain the Format and Delivery

Your communication skills must extend from what you will teach to how you will teach it. Provide the details of the course format (video, text, audio), as well as the duration and level of difficulty of your course.

You might try answering these questions to discover and focus on what’s unique about your offering:

  • Are you going to primarily teach through lectures?
  • Will you include articles and case studies?
  • Does your course include hands-on, practical components?
  • Will you embed videos? If so, what type of videos (e.g. interactive)?
  • Do you have slide-style presentations, or will you feature an instructor?
  • Does your course include any bonus material or resources to support student learning?

In addition to providing details on the course format, you also need to communicate any course credit or academic credit offered.

8. Address Potential Objections

Addressing potential objections in your course description is an important strategy to overcome hesitations and encourage enrollment.

You must anticipate and address common objections or concerns that might prevent someone from enrolling, such as time commitment, cost, or prerequisite knowledge.

Here are some key ways to do this effectively:

  1. Time Commitment: If the course requires a significant time investment, be upfront about the expected hours per week or total duration. Highlight how the course is structured to make the time commitment manageable.
  2. Cost: Acknowledge the course price, but emphasize the value it provides in terms of the skills, knowledge, and outcomes students will gain. Consider highlighting any discounts, scholarships, or payment plans available.
  3. Prerequisites: Clearly state any prior knowledge, skills, or technical requirements needed to succeed in the course. This sets appropriate expectations and prevents frustration from students who aren’t prepared.
  4. Doubts about Relevance: Address potential concerns about the course’s relevance to the student’s goals or needs. Explain how the content and course objectives directly address their pain points or professional/personal aspirations.
  5. Lack of Experience: If the course is geared towards beginners, emphasize that no prior experience is necessary. Reassure them that the course is designed to take them from novice to proficient.

Proactively addressing these types of objections in your course description demonstrates transparency, builds trust, and alleviates common hesitations that could otherwise prevent potential students from enrolling. 

9. Include a Clear Call-to-Action

Conclude your course description with a clear and compelling call to action. This could be a direct enrollment prompt, an invitation to learn more by visiting the course page, or a deadline for early bird pricing.

A strong CTA motivates interested readers to take the next step, converting them from prospective students to enrolled students.

Example of An Effective Course Description That Sells

A well-crafted course description provides a clear overview of the content and the value it offers learners.

Take this example of a (fictional) course description for a Poker Playing Course for Beginners written using the tips in this guide:

Discover the Thrill of Poker: A Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever wanted to learn the art of poker but didn’t know where to start?

In this comprehensive course, you’ll dive into the fundamentals of this captivating card game.

You’ll learn:

  • The basics of gameplay;
  • Key poker hands and rankings;
  • Betting strategies; and
  • Essential poker etiquette.

Through interactive lessons and real-life examples, you’ll build a solid foundation to confidently navigate the world of poker.

Whether you’re looking to play for fun with friends or aspire to take your skills to the tables, this course is your gateway to unlocking the excitement and potential of poker.

Enroll now and get ready to become a poker pro!

Why This Description Works

It’s short and sweet and highlights all the important information a potential learner needs to decide whether or not to enroll in the course.

  • It includes relevant keywords in the title and body
  • It uses engaging and persuasive language
  • It hooks the prospective learner from the first sentence
  • It outlines the instructional methods
  • It communicates learning outcomes clearly

All in all, it’s easy for any aspiring poker player to read this short description and decide whether or not this is the right course for them.


There you have it. 9 steps and proven tips to create a winning course description that drives immediate enrollment.

Remember, your course description is the gateway to your eLearning offering. It shouldn’t be written just as a factual outline but as an invitation to an enriching, transformative journey.

Use the information in this guide to craft a riveting narrative that sparks the interest of your target audience and helps learners see why your course offers the ideal solution to their problems.

Did this article help you discover how to write a course description that captivates your audience and boosts enrollments? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

FAQs About How to Write a Course Description That Sells

What is a course description?

A course description is a concise summary of the subject, content, and objectives. It outlines your subject, content, and learning goals and helps potential learners assess if the course is suitable for them. The description should be no more than 100 words, written in clear and focused language.

Why do you need a good course description?

In the competitive eLearning landscape, crafting compelling course descriptions is crucial. The right words should not just inform, but resonate with your audience, capturing the unique essence of your course and compelling potential students to enroll. Striking the right chord can make all the difference in driving course registrations.

How do I write a course description that sells?

To write a course description that convinces your ideal audience to buy, you must answer three questions: who is the course for, why should the learner take it, and what makes it different or unique from other similar courses on the market? This will help you craft a clear and compelling course description with all the relevant details to help potential learners decide to buy.

Can I use AI to write my course description?

Platforms like Kajabi, Thinkific, and Podia have built-in AI tools to help you craft high-converting course descriptions. This greatly simplifies your work as you can generate an expert description in just a few seconds based on your existing course content. Just be sure to edit and proofread the content, and infuse your personality to make the description more engaging.

How can I write a course description that stands out?

To create a compelling course description, focus on the key benefits for students, do keyword research and use relevant keywords, utilize a template for structure, organize content with headings and subheadings, and include clear learning objectives. This multifaceted approach helps make your course stand out and appeal to your target audience.

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